I sang for three hours this morning, this is a typical Sunday for me, but today, I did it without any coffee.
Practicing Orthodox fast before the liturgy it's the norm, but it's also my struggle bus.
However, today I did it and didn't miss it until the late afternoon when the "you didn't have your daily quota of coffee" headache hit me.
My headache was remedied with a cat nap, a literal nap with our cat Sega.
Here's the proof!
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.
This Saturday was somewhat typical. I woke around 6 AM, did my Peloton stack, went to the studio, taught a group class and private. What made today different was specific energy in the air; it felt like hope.
I'll take it.
I know I said I would write a bit about C'mon C'mon, but I fell asleep in the last 20 minutes, not because it was boring but because I'm a weenie. If we start a film after eight, there is a high chance my blinks will get longer, and then I wake up during the credits with Josh looking at me and shaking his head.
I'll jot my thoughts down here and share them when I finish it. It probably won't be tomorrow; we have some pre-production for Jimmy Fallon; if you follow my Instagram stories, you'll get a sneak peek behind the scenes.
Speaking of Josh, he just popped some popcorn, and we're about to watch The Movies That Made Us - about Back to the Future on Netflix; our wild and crazy Saturday nights!
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.
Hey friends!
I am just popping in this Friday to jot down a few thoughts before I settle in and watch a film with Josh.
You know I've never thought of myself as a blogger type; however, I've always wanted to have a blog. I feel more or less what I wanted was a diary, a place to share my day-to-day in part for myself ( like a journal) and in part for those of you who want to follow along on the Jordan adventures.
I've shared my life a lot over the years. If you've followed from the beginning, you know I wear many hats, wife, mother, performer, producer, entrepreneur. Many of you have followed along for my holistic content, perhaps members at one point of Super Yoga Palace or a customer in my essential oil circle; maybe you know me from The Polyphonic Spree and all that is me.
The most authentic way to share is to share all of me, all of it. It's very inauthentic to only focus on one part of my life because I'm doing all of it every day.
My plan from now on is to keep a diary right here. I hope to reflect on the process for myself and be a transparent beacon for those who choose to travel a similar road less traveled.
Hope to see some of y'all on the mat in the morning.
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

What were you wishing for, hoping for dreaming for late December 2020?
How did those wishes, hopes, and dreams work out for you in 2021?
I was scattered, picking up the pieces of the pandemic and how it left the life, I saw going in another direction. I believed in the best without a structure for managing my thoughts, which are precisely what determines your life.
It wasn't until this May that I stumbled upon a podcast hosted by a mindset and business coach that steered me towards tools that helped me tap into my power by reframing my thoughts for the desired feelings that propel that outcome in life I was looking for. Getting clear, having my own back, and going into the New Year without the need to outsource validation or approval, has been an invaluable gift in my mid-life pivot.

Where do you find yourself at the end of 2021?
What are your circumstances?
Did you know circumstances are just that, a circumstance?
Something black and white is a fact - for instance, the pandemic.
The thoughts around it (and believe me, there can be many) are the variable to how you'll navigate waters you may rather not be in and get to the other side of your preferred future.
( More on how I want to help you with that)
I can't recommend the thought model from Brooke Castillo, founder of The Life Coach school enough. Her book Self Coaching 101 is a must-have for anyone wanting to level up, body, mind, emotions, vocation, and finances.
Another tool I've found invaluable for my mental stamina is keeping a ritual - routine -rhythm in my day. A constant I keep is using and diffusing oils, specifically Abundance.
Definition of abundance
1: an ample quantity: an abundant amount2: affluence, wealth, a life of abundance
3: relative degree of plentifulness
The science and energetics of this oil are what drew me towards using it; the aroma inhaled reaffirms the thought work I've done and the intentions I've set for the vision I've set for the year ahead.
Aromas can trigger memory recall.
Essential oils have therapeutic effects by stimulating the olfactory system, which connects to the limbic system in the brain—the part of the brain which controls functions such as breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormonal balance. The olfactory system begins in the nose and continues into the brain, where smells are processed and influence mood and behavior.
The blend that makes up Abundance is beneficial when considering what you want and what you want to attract in 2022 and beyond.
Abundance essential oil was specifically designed to enhance magnetic energy, create the law of attraction through the magnetic field around us, enhance one's thoughts by electrical stimulation of the somatides and the cells, and put out a frequency charge of prosperity and abundance. It may attract riches to oneself. It also contains excellent antiviral and antifungal properties, which may make it potent support to the immune system, possibly giving one an abundance of health as well.
Body System(s) Affected
The oils in this blend may help it effectively deal with various problems related to the Immune and Respiratory Systems and Emotional Balance.
Aromatic Influence
When diffused, this oil creates harmonic energy in the surrounding area.
May be worn on the wrists, behind the ears, and on the neck and face. Individuals with sensitive skin may want to dilute the blend with V-6 Oil or Genesis Hand and Body Lotion. May be worn as a perfume or cologne or placed on your checkbook, car dash, computer, phone, wallet, or in your purse. Try cooking with it. To create more business, add 1/2 bottle to 5 gallons of paint before painting the office.
Would you like to be part, let's goooo!
There is zero purchase necessary; however, a bottle of Abundance will level up your experience. Want one; TAP HERE

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

Are you prepared to depart?
To die?
To die?
I'm not an expert on death. I've experienced very little loss of family, friends, or fur fam myself. Still, I have experienced the tremendous traumatic loss of my life as I knew it over the last two years, and that experience felt like certain death in my body, mind, and emotions.
Most, including myself, are not mentally or emotionally prepared for a sudden shift or loss. Culturally it's been uncomfortable to discuss dying, death, and the lesser deaths we die within our lifetime.
What if discussing our inevitable departing didn't have to be uncomfortable?
What if death positive conversations were the new normal?
How might we approach the way we live if we lived with the end in mind?
I don't have “the” answers, but on my path towards Death Doula certification, I'm getting curious about this conversation.
In a recent poll, I posted on my Instagram stories, 90% of my followers' females ages 35-45 didn't have a will or end of life directive. Most of those polled had assets and children. Most responded that knowing where to begin was the biggest obstacle.
The phrase “I don't know” is a thought associated with our primitive brain, which yields the fight, flight, freeze response.
What if there was a simple solution for all of us that helped us put our critical thinking skills to work in the form of an end-of-life organizer?
What if I told you I made one for you?
Our death-positive conversations at thejesswell are just beginning. If this post is already feeling overwhelming, I want you to take a deep breath you can do this. If you need a little help getting out of your head and into your body, try this curated movement meditation calendar on for size. These are some Peloton practices I've enjoyed from their app, with a couple of my offerings thrown in for good measure. Click the image below.
Now for the work, and a good thing for us all to remember is that action overrides anxiety.
Here is an end-of-life organizer for you to download in beta mode. All you have to do is print and put it in a three-ring binder. Fill it out as you can and exhale.

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.