It's been an icy couple of days in Dallas, with schools and businesses closed; what's one to do except sleep late, eat late, and scroll too much? Well, that's what happened over here for me, and I'm glad I did. I found a happy trend on Instagram I decided to hop on, adding text and images to an Instagram reel showing what you would be if you were a food, a place, an animal, a room, a song. Not to be confused with what you like or wish but who you are in that form.
If you decide to try this trend for yourself, please tag me; I must see you in your room and song shape!
On the resting... I took a quote away from one of my yoga classes the other day; it goes like this. "The better you embody the season that you're in, the more richness you will get from the season that follows" Let that sink into your mind and body for a minute; how does that ring true for you?
We're slowly making our way out of winter, the old man is not gone just yet, and there is still more for us to savor on our way to Spring, so enjoy your long walks, deep breaths, long restorative postures, rounded plow, and reclining queen for a little longer!
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

Me too.
This week I was cheering and working with my husband. I didn't ride my Peloton or lift at all, I did walk most mornings, but the only yoga I did was the class I taught.
Some weeks are like that, and that's ok!
There were many weeks when the tables were turned, and it was all about me so I could pour into all of you as I built up SYP; now it's his turn.
I've taken on the role of co-creator, executive producer, and wellness facilitator for our new project.
If you're curious, you can take a peek here.
But now that we're through the thick of it, at least for the initial phase, I'm happy to get back into my routine because regular movement is so good for my mind, body, hormones, and emotions. Skipping too many days does not do a body good... at all.
Speaking of keeping hormones happy, I have an ANNOUNCEMENT!
I will be hosting a Self Care for Happy Hormones workshop at Super Yoga Palace, yes, the Super Yoga Palace space on Garland road, next Saturday, February 27th, from 2-4. It's a collaborative event with holistic esthetician Alejandra Bakos of Heart-Centered Beauty, complete with healing techniques and a make and takes for female health, including libido, hormones helpers, menopause positive chit chat.

Space is limited; to reserve, CLICK HERE
And about SYP - well, I've always been SYP, it's never gone away; it's just been figuring out how it will manifest in the endemic, and I'm happy to say beginning March 5th, I'll be teaching my longstanding 9 AM class back in that space. It's even more gorgeous than before, thanks to the current primary space holder owner of Yoga Up, Nikole Swize.
I was raised to believe there is enough sun for everybody, how bout you?!
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

How do you show yourselves, love? I know it's February, and it seems to be the theme of the hour, but I'm asking for today and every day.
I was working on a project earlier this afternoon, and when I couldn't seem to dial in my focus to finish up, I spoke out loud to myself in a way I'd never talk to anyone, even someone I didn't like now I might think it, but I would never say it)
It caught me off guard for a moment. I thought to myself, geez, why would you speak to yourself like that. You're doing the best you can with the day, energy, and focus you have to give. You always preach from the abundance of your heart the mouth speaks; how do you think about yourself.
Personal growth is challenging; there's a lot of that this time of year. Winter is when we cultivate the soil of our soul, but we will never get to Spring without one.
The Breath of Seasons
The breath rises like Spring
The fullness of Summer
The breath descends like Autumn
The emptiness of Winter
In taking that to heart, I put together a Self Love Club for us daily prompts for 14 days to help us remember that we deserve the same love and kindness we show others.
You can jump in anytime; I hope you will.
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

Can I share my heart? I'm not too fond of January or February and only tolerate March. Winter is melancholy, sparse, unexciting, and it requires the kind of personal growth by first nature I'd instead not do. But one thing my second nature has come to accept is that we don't get to spring without one. In the slower colder months of the year, I purposefully take inventory of my mental, physical and financial well-being. I ditch what isn't working and get honest about where I stand.
On the physical and mental side, cardio and strength training help me in the winter. The accessible 10 and 20 minutes classes on the Peloton app have helped me with my 40 - ish-year-old hormones, and their 5-minute meditation offerings do wonders for my emotions.
Here is a free Peloton app pass if you want to try it out 60 days for free. If you wish, you can follow me there, and I'll follow you back - @superyogapalace
Along with lifestyle choices, the essential oils and supplements I incorporate make a considerable difference in my hormones:
I take Multi- greens, Powergize, Natures Ultra CBD, Progessence Plus Serum, and Clary Sage. Josh uses the same for his male health and hormones but incorporates Shutran instead of Pro Plus or Clary Sage.
You can take a look at those items here if you like.
I share all this because when moving forward in life, mindset is everything, and hormones that are out of balance can take a toll on your mental health, which takes a toll on your mindset; and after the last two years, my hope and prayer for all of us is to be as resilient as we can be.
Below is the link to the February Drop with Young Living. I want to encourage you to take this month to examine your needs, body, mind, and emotions and see how some of these suggestions can help level up your life too. You'll find ways to ditch and switch intimacy items for oils, recipes, diffuser blends to support hormones, and more.
Wishing you a really good winter; spring is coming. Please reach out if I can support you in any way.

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.
Today I wanted to accomplish everything, but I only accomplished some things, and my exhale made it all ok.
When in winter.
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.