Can I share my heart? I'm not too fond of January or February and only tolerate March. Winter is melancholy, sparse, unexciting, and it requires the kind of personal growth by first nature I'd instead not do. But one thing my second nature has come to accept is that we don't get to spring without one. In the slower colder months of the year, I purposefully take inventory of my mental, physical and financial well-being. I ditch what isn't working and get honest about where I stand.
On the physical and mental side, cardio and strength training help me in the winter. The accessible 10 and 20 minutes classes on the Peloton app have helped me with my 40 - ish-year-old hormones, and their 5-minute meditation offerings do wonders for my emotions.
Here is a free Peloton app pass if you want to try it out 60 days for free. If you wish, you can follow me there, and I'll follow you back - @superyogapalace
Along with lifestyle choices, the essential oils and supplements I incorporate make a considerable difference in my hormones:
I take Multi- greens, Powergize, Natures Ultra CBD, Progessence Plus Serum, and Clary Sage. Josh uses the same for his male health and hormones but incorporates Shutran instead of Pro Plus or Clary Sage.
You can take a look at those items here if you like.
I share all this because when moving forward in life, mindset is everything, and hormones that are out of balance can take a toll on your mental health, which takes a toll on your mindset; and after the last two years, my hope and prayer for all of us is to be as resilient as we can be.
Below is the link to the February Drop with Young Living. I want to encourage you to take this month to examine your needs, body, mind, and emotions and see how some of these suggestions can help level up your life too. You'll find ways to ditch and switch intimacy items for oils, recipes, diffuser blends to support hormones, and more.
Wishing you a really good winter; spring is coming. Please reach out if I can support you in any way.

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.