We are three months into 2022; how's it going? It's gone by way too fast for me, just like every other year in my adult life.
Remember as a kid when it seemed to take foreverrrrrr to get to Christmas or your birthday, and now you can't get them to stop coming so fast. I can not be the only one!
If you've been following me over the last few months, you know I've been enjoying my Peloton bike and all the classes the app has to offer. Aditi & Cody's 5-minute meditations are just what my mornings need. If you want to try the app for free, here's a 60-day pass - make sure to follow me @superyogapalace I've loved every ride and workout with that app, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I've missed sharing energy with other humans as the client or student and not the instructor. There is something about a trainer or teacher telling you what to do, holding space for you, with you. and pushing you to do more than you might do on your own.
Some of my gal pals hire a personal trainer to workout with weekly in a garage gym, so I'm going to try it for a month and see how I feel energetically, relationally, and look physically. It's a yin yang situation!
The one thing I've learned over the last five years is to lean in and listen to what lights you up, what gives you a glow, and get curious about it. Springtime is another beautiful time to begin again. Keep trying things until something pings for you.
Exercise and nourishment is one part of what impacts how I feel; the other part is the environment's energy. Both aspects can impair or elevate my physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. I thrive in a home and workspace that is aesthetically pleasing, organized, and clean; Spring is always punctuated by going deep into my dwelling place and sifting through the things I need and the things I don't. A deep clean follows after the clutter is clear, creating a clean slate for potential.
I always do better by taking a big task like deep cleaning my home and breaking it into smaller action items, so I created a 7-Day Natural Cleaning Challenge for myself and anyone else who feels like joining in, maybe you? Natural cleaning is simple, but you need to know what you're doing and why you're doing it because there is no sense in cleansing your space if you are bringing harsh chemicals in to do it. Curious as to why?
Here are a few of my notes.
soft surface spray

- 8oz glass spray bottle
- 1 tsp Thieves Household Cleaner
- 10 drops each Lavender, Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tree, Lemon essential oils
- Filtered or distilled water
Add essential oils and Thieves Household Cleaner to the spray bottle, then gently fill with water, leaving room to add the spray top. Spray as desired!
If you're Spring cleaning your mind, body, and abode this month, you should join the
7 Day Natural Cleaning Challenge I've created this for myself and my crunchy inclined friends. It begins March 14th, on Facebook but you can hop in anytime you're ready to begin by clicking the button below. Once you're in follow the hashtag #7daycleaningchallenge
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.