If You Want to Fly

If You Want to Fly

This past year I made the most significant investment of my life by hiring a mindset and business coach. The hiring was the easy part, the hard part was putting the tools to work, but omg, has it ever been worth it! I've faced relationships, uncertainty, ebbs and economic flows, perceived limits, reframed my thoughts, and instead of overwhelm and digress tapped into my power. 

I cannot reiterate enough how freeing it is not to see or feel that people or circumstances (regardless of the heavy or the 2020) stand in your way and that you can solve anything.

Tapping into your power is just a catchphrase unless you learn how to access it by managing your mind.

This fall, I’ll be leading my 6th Yoga School but the first to be on a “pay what you can”platform. I’m so EXCITED I am able to offer this training in a way that’s accessible to all and specifically the person who wants to teach yoga as a side or full-time hustle.

My favorite part of Yoga School is the wellpreneurship portion, and this year I’ll be incorporating a mindset module by using the thought model created by Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School. 

Managing your mind will be the most valuable part of this training and the foundation of everything that will come after. As of this entry, the Yoga School 2022 waitlist is open. https://thejesswell.com/landing/yoga-school

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P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me. 

Yoga By Any Other Name

Yoga By Any Other Name
What if I told you I didn't teach yoga?

For 13 years, I've said, "I teach yoga," the same way you may say you "go to church or worship;" this can mean many different things to different people, but we have a general idea of what people are doing. 

When people think of yoga in the west, by and large, most people think about bendy, twisty shapes, perhaps a meditative moment, and calm.  The core of what is taught in studios and gyms across the country is asana or beneficial shapes; movement connected to breathing.