A Little Bit Extra
My youngest son had his last day of high school today. And I'm feeling pretty emotional about it. 
Time has flown by. My life as a mother and a parent was better than I could have imagined in many ways. In other ways, I have regrets and the classic enneagram three thoughts, did I do enough, was I enough, and how could I have done better. 

Perhaps making this moment so difficult is that it is the end of a season; there have been many of those in the last couple of years, but this one is hitting me a little bit extra.  I'm proud, and I'm mourning at the same time. 

When I catch my breath, I can count my blessings.  I'm so thankful for this Super Yoga Palace community. So many of you have been with me over the last 13 years as I built this brand, this space, and this experience with my boys in tow. 

Seasons change, and the transition is often bittersweet; I am in it, sitting with all of it. 

I'm very happy that we yoga together tomorrow. The class I have planned for each of you is what I also need too. 

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P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me. 


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