Some of you, my sweet friends, have been on this healing journey with me for many moons. 12- ish moons, to be exact. In the Deep Ellum Days, we loved a good yoga flow to Bon Iver, Washed Out, or Beach House. We were a group of hipsters, artists, and young professionals in our 20’s - early 30’s most without offspring, just trying to live our best lives.
I’ve been able to keep up with many of y’all through the years because of the social networks, and I’ve seen your seasons—endeavors, struggles, engagements, celebrations, many have gotten married, had babies, adopted, gone through a divorce, and experienced heartbreak and loss. I only know what you show and what the algorithm shows me, but from what I see, I want you to know you’re not alone. You’ve always been a big piece of me and stay in my prayers.
Yesterday I shared some older affirmations in my Instagram stories with a poll. I do this from time to time because I love encouraging and engaging with you. The poll was something like this Affirm \ Achoo - obviously, I wanted y’all to affirm the statement for your highest good, but I realize affirming words have to feel true to you. You can see the post right here.

The one affirmation that got the most engagement and made my heart skip a few beats was, “I am determined to heal and get well.” Regardless of your circumstances, many of you are leaning into a life of wellness and wholeness. On Saturdays at 11 AM during our Deep Stretch sessions, I’ve often said that although moving and breathing together is not a team sport; there is something bonding about healing together in a like-minded community. And even though we as a collective live here and there, and seeing each other in person is perhaps rare, I hope you find the evolution of Super Yoga Palace into The Jess Well a soft place to land. We are collectively a group of mostly women now in our 30’s - 40’s thinking about babies or making them; if you’re like me and got a head start, the nest is emptying, and there is a whole other chapter with feels that come with it. Wherever you find yourself, I want you to know you can find company, community, and some good old crunchy advice on holistic living and alternative healing from me right here.
I’d love to hear from you. You’re concerns, needs, and desires have always been mine too.
In fact, I have a recorded meditation to share just for the occasion.
Can I ask you a favor? Would you fill out a little survey for me to see how best to serve you in this next season of us? It will take just a second, and once filled, that said meditation will pop up in your inbox to have on-demand and enjoy wherever life may find you at this moment.
I’m excited to keep this conversation going for the next 12 years and beyond.
Love the life you choose.