This past year I made the most significant investment of my life by hiring a mindset and business coach. The hiring was the easy part, the hard part was putting the tools to work, but omg, has it ever been worth it! I've faced relationships, uncertainty, ebbs and economic flows, perceived limits, reframed my thoughts, and instead of overwhelm and digress tapped into my power.
I cannot reiterate enough how freeing it is not to see or feel that people or circumstances (regardless of the heavy or the 2020) stand in your way and that you can solve anything.
Tapping into your power is just a catchphrase unless you learn how to access it by managing your mind.
This fall, I’ll be leading my 6th Yoga School but the first to be on a “pay what you can”platform. I’m so EXCITED I am able to offer this training in a way that’s accessible to all and specifically the person who wants to teach yoga as a side or full-time hustle.
My favorite part of Yoga School is the wellpreneurship portion, and this year I’ll be incorporating a mindset module by using the thought model created by Brooke Castillo of The Life Coach School.
Managing your mind will be the most valuable part of this training and the foundation of everything that will come after. As of this entry, the Yoga School 2022 waitlist is open. https://thejesswell.com/landing/yoga-school

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

This past Wednesday, I had my first (legit) show with The Polyphonic Spree in quite some time. We were in Austin performing with some other killer bands for ACL Live. That show brought back many memories from my early touring days.
I joined The Polyphonic Spree at 25 years young, married, and broke with a baby to boot. My mother was the one who always encouraged me to take this opportunity and tour. She willingly watched my boys even for two or three weeks at a time and encouraged my endeavors on stage, on the mat, and as an entrepreneur.
She is the foundation of thejesswell.com, @superyogapalace, and @yogandoils. I write a bit about what's been birthed in me because of her here.
My mom never made me feel less than, not enough for choosing a road less traveled. She believed in me, and that belief caught me, filled me, and through me, her belief carries over to you. #lovethelifeyouchoose
I know that not all biological mothers have the capacity to mother. I also know that you don't have to be a birth mother to be a mother, and it's never too late to allow someone to show motherly love to you.
Just some thoughts on this upcoming Mother's Day weekend. Some thoughts and a new tune I'm loving.
- Jessica

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

What if I told you I didn't teach yoga?
For 13 years, I've said, "I teach yoga," the same way you may say you "go to church or worship;" this can mean many different things to different people, but we have a general idea of what people are doing.
When people think of yoga in the west, by and large, most people think about bendy, twisty shapes, perhaps a meditative moment, and calm. The core of what is taught in studios and gyms across the country is asana or beneficial shapes; movement connected to breathing.
As I type, I'm making myself a morning meal, avocado toast and a sunny egg, listening to this YouTube about sewing a capsule wardrobe (I don't sew very well but would like to). I'm searching for an excellent machine to add to my Amazon birthday wishlist. The enneagram 3 in me is in full multi-tasking form.
But you see, that's just it. As much as I have many things going on at once, my soul is leaning toward simplicity. And perhaps it's not that I don't want always to be learning, volunteering, or contributing, but I don't necessarily want to share, write about, or have it monetized as I have in the past.
Some things can be hidden, simple, quiet, and small.
Hidden, simple, quiet, and small is a quote I read from Father Thomas Hopko of blessed memory that has stuck with me. At face value, these words seem counter-modern culture, but it's good to remember to put everything in context, and perhaps those words aren't for you but me, my rebirth, my Spring enlightening.
On returning from San Francisco and our visit to Holy Virgin Cathedral Joy of All Who Sorrow, I had a bad case of the summer camp blues; I don't know that I was expecting that. I figured that stepping out of my day-to-day on a pilgrimage of prayer and contemplation would be beneficial, but I wasn't prepared for the grace-filled experience that it was. I'm not even sure how one could prepare for that. I'm still pondering, and I hope to write more about it in this diary as I feel prompted to share publically.
My biggest insight. Get honest with where you are. Ask for help when you need it. Pray always and ask others for prayer; the saints are available to you too. Baby steps. The small things and the big things, the sweet things, the best things, and they're often the quiet things.
How are you being reborn this Spring? What does growth or spiritual growth look like for you in this season? How can I pray for you?
These are just a few of my thoughts, thank you for reading, and I welcome the conversation in the comments.
- Jessica
Ps. This is a picture of St. John the Wonderworker whose relics I was blessed to venerate on this trip. If you'd like to learn more about this modern-day miracle-working saint send me a message and I will offer some books suggestions.

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.

As I type this, I should be cleaning and packing, but if I clean and pack first, I will probably not get around to this diary entry, and I want to be diligent here. Unfortunately, I'm not much of a journaler because pen and paper are where I'd rather put my thoughts, but you've got to start where you are, with what you have and what you'll do, so I do this.
Josh and I are heading to San Fransisco in the morning on a Lenten pilgrimage to venerate the relics of St. John Maximovich. We are in the process of producing our next film El Tonto Por Cristo, an Orthodox tale about a holy fool; it only seemed fitting to make this trip to ask for the prayers of this Orthodox holy saint, who is also known as the wonderworker even after death. I don't know that much about St. John, but I've been intrigued by what I've heard from friends. I've read and been told that you can write him a letter and he will answer you; not that you'll get a USPS stamped handwritten note in the mail, but another way. He prays for you, and there are answers. I have a handful of requests; I'm looking forward to meeting him.
Filmmaking is vulnerable; you'll work tirelessly every day, believing that your craft is worth all your effort even when the outcome you are working towards is still far from materializing. The script Josh has written is a story that's never been told cinematically, yet I'm 100% certain it's a story everyone will want to see that way. So along with co-creating and co-producing, I'm co-praying for this project; I'll also take any of your spare prayers.
Our trip will also include walking the Golden Gate Bridge, hiking Twin Peaks, having lunch in Chinatown, and having dinner in Little Russia. I made an itinerary, which is not really in my personality, but I knew it would be a quick trip and wanted to get as much out of it as possible. You can follow along on my Instagram to see how it all works out and if the plan works well; if it does, I may attach the itinerary here if you'd like to make the same trip.
We've got Leon Bridges- Life from Gold Diggers -Hotel on in the background ( I love him ), and Josh is cooking dinner - a big batch, so our boys have leftovers even though they can fend perfectly for themselves. They will still always be our kids, and we will probably always do stuff like this.
Before I sign off, I wanted to say I announced today on the Super Yoga Palace Instagram account - we're back and back to our roots. If you don't know what that means, check out this post, and I hope to see ya on the mat next Saturday.

P.S. I genuinely share what I love; you can always count on that. I do earn a commission through the affiliate links I share unless stated otherwise. Thank you for trusting me.